Phu Lang Sa      Collabtive


Towards the end of 2018, Hang Hang founded Phu Lang Sa Collabtive in the hopes of weaving connections between young Vietnamese artists living in France. Initially a place to discuss the latest exhibitions, for screenings, to help each other by crossing different artistic practices. Since 2019, Phu Lang Sa Collective has deployed an initiative titled Phu Lang Sa Collabtive to support fellow Vietnamese artists in France and Europe whilst continuing to grow and expanding its reach. Our focus is on events. Artists within the community have the freedom to join or abstain. Presently, Hang Hang and Khieu Anh remain the primary coordinators of Phu Lang Sa Collabtive.

“Phu Lang Sa” being the phonetic spelling of “France” in ancient Vietnamese (“富郎沙”), points towards the group’s place of origin. Members of the Collective are comprised of artists, architects, designers and other practitioners in different fields of arts such as researchers, critics and curators.

Living the very challenges of working in the arts overseas, we want to make our own chances, for ourselves and fellow artists with little audience. Ultimately, Phu Lang Sa would like to create and discover new spaces for creating, sharing and exhibiting art in Europe. We will wholeheartedly offer support for Vietnamese or others artists from minority communities working in France and Europe.